Monday, January 29, 2018

This week was amazing!

Hey guys!  This week was amazing!  First - we were able to teach some 
awesome lessons this week. The English Elders ran into a Hispanic family 
last P-day and got their number for us. We called them up and made an 
appointment and had an awesome lesson with them. They are a family of 
5 and told us they wanted us to come over because they want to become 
closer to God. We taught them about the restoration and are going back 
tomorrow to teach them again. Ware pretty excited!  We were also able 
to have a good lesson with the guys in the apartment complex about the 
Book of Mormon. They invited us in because they said they really like to 
talk about God. We are hoping to go back and teach them again. 

Now for the good stuff.  Elder Holland and President Uchtdorf's visit was 
amazing. We were blessed to have a meeting with just the missionaries 
Saturday morning with them. There really are no words to describe how 
amazing it was. I sat on the 4th row.  When they arrived in the morning we 
took a big group picture with them.  Then every missionary had to opportunity 
to shake their hands. That was a little intimidating. When Elder Holland spoke 
to us later her told us that the apostles used to interview every missionary in 
the world once a year. Because this is an impossible task today, they shake 
our hands and while doing so look into our eyes because they can see the 
bottom of our soul. Of course he chuckled while saying this because he could 
see we were all sweating bullets. He told us we all passed.  

All of the apostles messages were amazing ---  

Elder Klebingat from the seventy came with them. He came here last Fall to 
speak to us and it was wonderful to see him and learn from him again. He 
remembered many of us still.  His wife spoke first about being one as a mission, 
being one as the Arkansas Little Rock Mission. The key to doing this is by putting 
pride aside and sanctifying ourselves. Elder Klebingat spoke about constantly 
increasing our doctrinal love by having good personal study every single day for 
the rest of our lives. He also taught us that when we are scared to do things in 
missionary work or in life that the #1 antidote for fear is love. Love for the gospel 
and love for those around us. 

President Uchtdorf spoke next. First of all, he is a lot taller than I thought. When 
I shook his hand he was almost a whole head taller than me. His message was 
really great.  He emphasized a conference address he gave in 2008 called "Lift 
Where You Stand."  He talked about how it doesn’t matter where we are or what 
our job is - we need to lift where we stand, or in other words, we need to all that 
we can do to fulfill our calling or position we have. Heavenly Father does not think 
any more highly of any of his children, we all stand on the same level. That is why 
we must do all that we can in the position we are in. 

Elder Holland was the concluding speaker. His talk was awesome. His continued 
to build upon President Uchtdorf's talk. He also taught that there really is no vertical
movement in the church.  We should always be rising.  Always lifting.  The rest of 
his talk focused on life after our missions.  He encourages us all to try not to go 
home early and when the time comes - to return home successfully.  He then got 
a little fired up and said that we as missionaries do not have the right to damage 
the image of an LDS missionary when we return home and become less active.  
He told us to get rid of the image in our mind that we were going to go back to our 
old life when we return home - that everything would be just like it was before our 
mission.  He told us our life before our mission wasn’t really that real, we were just 
kinda living - that our lives really began the minute we became full-time missionaries 
for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  And for the rest of our lives we 
have to do what our Savior did - to always be good example and share the gospel.  
He taught that this gospel is the most important thing in our lives and that many 
people need it.  If our mission doesn't change who we are for the rest of our lives 
then shame on us.  We are out here serving our mission for two years to bring one 
convert into the gospel - and that is ourselves! 

I am so thankful I am a missionary.  My mission and this gospel have really changed 
who I am.  It hasn't necessarily changed my personality or my hobbies and interests - 
but my focus in life.  It has really shown me that things of eternal value are the only 
things we really need to worry about.  I love being able to bring this joy to others and 
to become more and more converted myself along the way.  I love you all! 

Love Elder Merrill 

Elder Merrill, Elder Sotomarino, Elder Gonzales, Elder Anderson
with their El Libro de Mormons - excited to learn from 2 apostles

ALRM Mission picture with President Uchtdorf and Elder Holland
(Elder Merrill is right in the middle - a little towards the right)

Elder Merrill and his companion Elder Anderson

Elder Merrill with his 
grandson - Elder Anderson 
and his son - Elder Giles

ALRM Spanish Elders 
Elder Merrill - Anderson - Sotomarino - Gonzales

Elder Merrill sang in the choir at the special Stake Conference 
with President Uchtdorf and Elder Holland
They sang the "Sisters in Zion/Army of Helaman Medley"
The words were changed from 
"we will be the Lord's missionaries" to
"we are NOW the Lord's missionaries"

I am so grateful for a sweet member in Arkansas 
who didn't postpone a promoting and sent this text to me 
Sunday morning. I immediately felt the spirit and great joy! 
What an amazing opportunity Elder Merrill had this 
past weekend learning from true messengers of God.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I loved what Elder Holland said about how you are changed after your mission and never go back to the person you were before. I like that a lot. Thank you so much for sharing!
